Monday, November 4, 2013

Bitcoin Landscape Changes in Canada for the Better

Bitcoin Landscape Changes in Canada for the Better

Victor Hugo had said, “None can stop the idea whose time has come.” It looks like the idea of Bitcoin has come finally as the first ever BTC ATM has arrived in Canada. The stage was set for Bitcoin ATM a couple of months ago when the idea was germinated by Bitcoiniacs – we had reported this earlier in September.

Canada, the country which has been a country that welcomed Bitcoin wholeheartedly, has become part of history now with its first BTC ATM. The 27-year old, Mitchell Demeter, owner of Bitcoiniacs had insisted that Bitcoin kiosks would be a better option for customers to buy and sell Bitcoins and hopefully drive the adoption of Bitcoin, now the company has executed it perfectly well. Demeter believes that it will help make a mainstream currency.

Canada has Favorable Circumstances for BTC

Canada has a lot of customers and Bitcoin supporters who now prefer exchanging their Canadian dollar for Bitcoin. To convert their Canadian dollars to Bitcoin they use the services from Bitcoiniacs, a physical store in Vancouver that acts like a Bitcoin broker. Many of these customers consider that buying BTC from a physical store can be tedious at times and incurs discomfort.

However, now that things have changed and the first Bitcoin ATM has come up in Vancouver, things are not going to remain the same. May be this idea spreads around the world and various other cities get their BTC ATMs soon. A revolution has just begun and will not be stoppable. Bitcoin is getting new supporters and gaining popularity and acceptance from all corners excluding of some skeptical governments.

BTC ATM Will Change the Way Bitcoins Are Being Transacted

BTC ATMs are going to transform the way Bitcoins have traditionally been bought and sold. In fact, now there won’t be any requirement for customers to visit brokers to exchange their Canadian dollars into Bitcoin; rather, they can go to the Bitcoin ATM and get their virtual currency instantly.

Bitcoin supporters are delighted over the news and realize that it will be much more comfortable for them than ever to get user-friendly professional transactional experience with BTC ATMs.

Proactive Approach from Bitcoiniacs

A couple of months ago Bitcoiniacs had decided to install five Bitcoin kiosks from a Las Vegas-based company called RoboCoin so that it could cater its customers exchange their Canadian dollars with Bitcoin. The company had then declared that Apart from Vancouver Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Ottawa would be getting a machine each.

To contact the reporter of this story: Deepak Tiwari at

avatar Deepak Tiwari, a law graduate, has been working as a journalist for six years now. He currently writes on Bitcoin, economic, and Forex related news at ForexMinute, the brand new financial news portal ...

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