Friday, November 8, 2013

Media Fortress Accepting Bitcoins for Its Web Hosting and Development Services

Media Fortress Accepting Bitcoins for Its Web Hosting and Development Services

Media Fortress has announced that it is one of the first Australian companies to accept Bitcoins as an alternative form of payment when customers make purchases through the website. Bitcoin is becoming popular in Australia and this company with years of experience in webhosting, domains, search engine optimization, etc. is a new addition.

Bitcoin Has Become a Popular Option among Small Size Companies

From the latest trend in the news coming over the months it looks Bitcoin is becoming popular particularly among the companies that are small in size. One major reason behind the development is that Bitcoin can be cheaper and faster over commercial payments than PayPal. It is cheaper than even Visa or MasterCard.

Then there are processing fees with all these payment methods; however, with Bitcoin, there is no need of permission to start accepting it. For small organization every penny is valuable and they cannot actually afford to pay a huge amount as processing fee.

Australia is a Popular Destination for Bitcoin second only to the U.S.

We recently reported that all-terrain vehicle makers Tomcar started accepting Bitcoin, now Media Fortress is a new addition to it. A source from the company says that offering website design to global businesses of all sizes it has built up an affluence of web development expertise that put it miles ahead of other web hosting and web development companies in Australia.

Currently trading at $260+ per coin, Bitcoins are a digital currency, or a form of electronic money which are always in news for positive and negative developments. Moreover, as these are being used as an alternative method of payment for goods and services, particularly for international transactions, these are becoming popular among international traders.

Media Fortress believes that with Bitcoin wherein there is no involvement of banks, governments, or central organizations of control, it is stepping ahead to new era of technology. Bitcoins which are quickly becoming a popular alternative form of payment, with usage skyrocketing since early 2013, the company expects that it will get new international customers.

Using Bitcoins for purchases from Media Fortress

The company admits that with Bitcoins as an alternative form of payment to PayPal and bank transfers, it will be able to cater the requirements from the clients who are located outside Australia as now they can pay without much hassle. Visiting the website customers can choose Bitcoin as a payment method instead of other options.

To contact the reporter of this story: Deepak Tiwari at

avatar Deepak Tiwari, a law graduate, has been working as a journalist for six years now. He currently writes on Bitcoin, economic, and Forex related news at ForexMinute, the brand new financial news portal ...

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