Thursday, December 26, 2013

In the run-up to the holidays, smart folks all around the internet were talking robot ethics, fake j


In the run-up to the holidays, smart folks all around the internet were talking robot ethics, fake job references, bitcoin, comics, and how streaming music supported and squashed cover bands. It's all in this week's Tech Reads:

The New Yorker has a great infographic on the data that social media networks get from you, and how they use it [The New Yorker]Devin Leonard follows UPS's holiday shipping master, discovering just how difficult his job is in the days before Christmas [Bloomburg Businessweek]Steve Ranger examines Asimov's three laws of robotics, and why the newest crop of robots might make them obsolete [TechRepublic]Aaron Sankin bought a fake career package online, including an impeccable resume, and found out it was shockingly effective [The Daily Dot]Jason Kottke says the blog is dead, but you'll still see it everywhere [Nieman Journalism Lab]Led ZepAgain was a Spotify supergroup. Then Spotify got the rights to Led Zeppelin's catalog. Austin Carr spoke with the cover band's frontman about what life will be like post-Spotify. [Fast Company]Richie S. King, Sam Williams and David Yanofsky hold your hand and help you mine your first Bitcoin. [Quartz]Eric Jaffe digs into the surprising science behind newspaper comics. [Co.Design]Tim Murphy thinks through what it would take to launch an actual "war on Christmas": taking down Santa Claus. [Mother Jones]Peter Weber explains the 46 recommendations the White House panel gave the NSA, and how they might change the agency. [The Week]Michael Graziano asks what will happen to us when we upload our brains onto computers. [Aeon]Image: Expedition 38 crew member Mike Hopkins checks out the spacesuit he will wear outside the International Space Station on Saturday, Dec. 21, 2013. He and fellow astronaut Rick Mastracchio will conduct a series of spacewalks to replace an ammonia pump that is part of the station's coolant system. This will be Hopkins' first spacewalk, while Mastracchio has had six previous ones on STS-118 and STS-131. Courtesy NASA.

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