Monday, December 23, 2013

Survey Shows Hacking Is a Bigger Concern For People than Tracking

Survey Shows Hacking Is a Bigger Concern For People than Tracking

According to a November survey of 1,000 voters, people are more creeped out by the possibility of a person or group ascertaining their personal information, than the idea that someone might be following their online movements and habits.

The study, conducted for the Computer and Communications Industry Association by Benenson Strategy Group and American Viewpoint, found that 75 percent of those surveyed are worried about being hacked, compared to 54 percent who fear "history tracked for ads."

When forced to choose, 58 percent of those surveyed were afraid of hacking versus 15 percent worrying about the government being able to access their information or 3 percent being concerned about tracking for targeted advertising.

The survey group seemed weirdly on top of their personal security. 76 percent said they vary their password for every account, 65 percent responded that they disable cookies on their browser, and a full 65 percent claimed that they read website privacy policies. Which seems impossible, but maybe? Do you? [CCIA via All Things Digital]

View the original article here

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