Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Hide Your Messy Nest of Cables In This Neat Wood-Paneled Can

We all have one—that corner in your living room where the modem, the router, the surge protecter and friends live. It's a mess. You can try to hide it behind the couch, or you can cover it with unread mail. Or, you could store everything in this handsome wooden container.

It's called the CableBin. As the name implies, it's literally a bin for all your cables. Not only does it hide the messy nest, the CableBin also helps you organize your devices with adhesive hooks to hang them on. The lid of the bin serves as an easy access point for your cables but also a study surface for your phone while it's charging. There's also a slit down one slide for cables that need to hook into your wall or TV or wherever. You can get it in dark or light brown wood at BlueLounge for $90.

At face value, you might think this is nothing but a glorified trash can. And an expensive one at that! It wouldn't be all that hard to build your own with a bin, a lid and a bunch of those plastic 3M hooks. Be honest with yourself, though. You'll probably never get around to it. Sometimes throwing a little money at the problem actually works. [bltd]

Hide Your Messy Nest of Cables In This Neat Wood-Paneled CanS

Hide Your Messy Nest of Cables In This Neat Wood-Paneled CanS

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Scratch Your Own Drawing Into This Giant Virtual Moon

Only 12 people have ever made a mark on the surface of the Moon, but a new project by Olafur Eliasson and Ai Weiwei is inviting everyone on the internet to make a mark on the big wheel of cheese—or its digital equivalent, at least.

The project, called Moon, is an interactive website where anyone can draw, tag, or write a message on the surface of a glowing lunar sphere. It's like planet-sized digital chalkboard, where you can pan over the surface to peruse the work of others, or send a message of your own.

All you need to participate is a free account—after you register, you can access a set of tools more basic than Microsoft Paint and get started. "Touch the moon by drawing on it," the team explains on the site. "A vision, doodle, statement, a greeting, thought... Your drawing is a hinge between you, everyone else, and the universe."

Because this canvas is so huge, there's built-in tagging functionality so you can search for particular messages or drawings. But it's even more fun to browse randomly. In fact, you might even find some of the artists' own original works scraped into the lunar surface. [Moon via ArtObserved]

Scratch Your Own Drawing Into This Giant Virtual MoonS

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Want a Moto X but have been holding out for pretty colors?

Want a Moto X but have been holding out for pretty colors? Good news, Moto Maker customization is no longer exclusive to AT&T, and has now expanded to Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile as well. And now it's only $100 on contract.

Watch Lady Gaga floating around in a flying dress like a freaking drone

Here's Lady Gaga floating over a stage in a ridiculously cool and absurd flying dress made with fiberglass and six propellers. It's a world's first—just like her steak dress. She calls it Volantis.

According to Deezeen, the dress was designed by "London company Studio XO and TechHaus, the technology division of the star's Haus of Gaga creative team" and was presented at the launch of ARTPOP, her third album.

She wasn't piloting the dress. A guy was remote controlling her. So, for a few minutes, Lady Gaga was literally a drone (as opposed of her usual metaphorical drone self.)

Photo by Getty Images

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This Posh Mini-Sub Explores the Ocean for the Rich and Famous

So what if your super-yacht has a laser shield, heliport, and discotheques? Today's mobile island for the .01-percent isn't complete without it's own deep-diving C-Explorer 5 mini-sub. Seriously, even Vladimir Putin thinks this "subsea limousine" is awesome, and that guy hates almost anything that requires a shirt.

At 17 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 7 feet tall, the C-Explorer 5 (CE5) is the largest submersible built by famed Dutch mini-sub manufacturer U-Boat Worx. The CE5 can whisk a group of four passengers as well as a pilot as far as 1,000 feet below the waves and poke around the ocean's depths in air conditioned comfort.

The CE5 is powered by a 43.2 kWh Li-ion battery that allows for dives lasting up to 16 hours and can maintain critical life support for up to 96. The mini-sub utilizes two pairs of 2-kilowatt thrusters for underwater maneuvering with a 3 knot top speed. A secondary pair of 1.2-kilowatt thrusters to aid in lateral movement are available but they'll cost you extra.

And like its smaller, research-oriented brethren, the 1,000m CE2, this posh sub comes with a host of optional accessories including manipulator arms, sonar, HD cameras and recording equipment. The CE5 is so extravagant that it even comes with an optional tethered mini-ROV. It's a submarine that comes with its own submarine—somebody get Xzibit on the line.

It should be noted, however, that you cannot afford one. You and all your buddies together could not afford one. The CE5 starts, starts, at $2.4 million dollars and only goes up from there. Plus you have to undergo three weeks of U-Boat Worx training to learn how to pilot it [U-Boat Worx 1, 2]

A Guy Found a Dozen Lost Carl Sagan Tapes in a New York Thrift Shop

Carl Sagan was an inspirational figure to many of us, but he may not have had his last word just yet—because a dude on MetaFilter is claiming to have unearthed a box of his personal dictations on cassettes bought in a thrift store.

Christopher Stangland claims to have picked up a box of unlabeled Sony dictation machine tapes from a Volunteers of America thrift store in Binghamton, NY, way back in 1993. Now, having listened to them, he's confident that they're Carl Sagan's personally dictated recording—including personal notes, correspondence and business instructions.

He claims they date back to some time around 1984, and offers plenty of evidence which suggests that they are indeed of the provenance he claims. Firstly, he shows off an audio recording from one of the tapes which, well, sounds just like Carl Sagan.

Second, he describes that virtually every recording ends with the phrase "with every good wish cordially", which was, indeed, one of Carl Sagan's favorite endings to letters. Finally, one of tapes has a label on it suggesting it belonged to Sagan.

A Guy Found a Dozen Lost Carl Sagan Tapes in a New York Thrift ShopS

None of which is cast-iron evidence that he's right, of course—but together, it's certainly enough for us to think that this could be a stash of Sagan's sweet nothings. Now, Stangland is trying to work out what he should do with the collection. He's unsure if he should put them on YouTube or Archive.org because they're personal, and is instead toying with either donating them to Cornell, where Sagan was based, or selling them privately.

Regardless of what happens to them, we sure hope we get to hear more of them soon—if only to find out if it really is him. [MetaFilter via Matt Haughey]

Images and video by Christopher Stangland

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Monday, November 11, 2013

Gawker Most Powerful Storm to Ever Hit Land Kills 10,000 in One City Alone | Jalopnik Let's Look At

Science and entertainment from the world of tomorrow.


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Swipe Passwords for Online Banking Is a Genius Idea

Online banking on your smartphone is one of those wonderful services that lets you avoid overdrafts, or more importantly, awkward, "your credit card has been declined" moments. But entering an online banking password on an itty bitty keyboard problem is no fun.

Capital One's new SureSwipe allows you to set up an Android-style pattern password for your online banking so that you don't have to enter an 8-character alphanumeric monster, only to get it wrong because you are rushing and the keyboard on your phone is so little. To use the new service, you'll need to update the Android or iOS app to version 4.3. Some people might worry about the security of SureSwipe, but it's hard to imagine this really being less secure than a regular password—especially if you're using a lockscreen password of some kind like you should be. [Capital One]

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This One Ad Sums Up Everything Wrong With Technology

A man misses his bus so that he can stare at his phone. A woman ignores a meeting so that she can stare at her phone. A man stays late after work so that... well, you get the point. No, this isn't a cheeky indictment of our smartphone-obsessed culture. This is—somehow—a celebration of it.

It's hard to know where to start with AT&T's ad above, which promotes both the iPhone 5C and the carrier's frequent update plan. But let's begin at the very end, with a tagline that is equal parts true and cynical and depressing as hell:

AT&T knows you don't want anything to come between you and your new iPhone.

The new iPhone in question is the iPhone 5C, which is in fact an old iPhone with a shiny coat of polycarbonate plastic slapped on. The upgrade plan, AT&T Next, is one of the biggest ripoffs in tech. And the message, that we should ignore the world around us in favor of a glimmering parallax retina display, is inexcusable.

When I first saw the video below, which condemns how smartphones are taking over our lives, I thought it was a little overwrought. Now that I've seen its corporate counterpoint, I don't think it goes nearly far enough.

Technology is wonderful. Your phone can connect you to any piece of information at any time. It lets my parents see their grandchild grow up in real-time through the magic of Skype. It's a release for when the world gets to be too much. But it should enable our lives, not replace them.

AT&T knows you don't want anything to come between you and your new iPhone.

Don't let boarding a bus come between you and your iPhone. Don't let other human beings waiting for you so that their meeting can start come between you and your new iPhone. Don't let helping your coworker close up shop come between you and your new iPhone. Don't let going home to your girlfriend, or wife, or kid, or dog, or plant, or to your one moment of solitude in a day otherwise spent working in a blistering restaurant kitchen come between you and your new iPhone. Don't let making eye contact come between you and your new iPhone. Don't let the night, full of potential and sometimes mystery and maybe a beer or two with old friends you haven't talked to in a few months because you're too busy staring at your new iPhone and they are too come between you and your new iPhone. Don't let buying a bargain bin paperback because the cover has a dog on it that reminds your dog, the one you had growing up, come between you and your new iPhone. Don't let taking a moment to sit in silence to listen to your own thoughts even if they're unpredictable, especially if they're unpredictable, if we're still even capable of thoughts we can't predict instead of plotting out our next tweet or our next word with friends, come between you and your new iPhone. Don't let your old iPhone come between you and your new iPhone. Don't let anything come between you and your new iPhone. Don't.

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This Driving, Flying, and Swimming Drone Is a Real-Life Transformer

If you bumped into your eight-year-old self on the street and told him that actual Transformers would walk—fly, crawl, and swim—the planet within his lifetime, your eight-year-old self's head would probably explode. But shape-shifting autonomous robots are exactly what's in the works at the Sandia National Laboratory.

The lab's Intelligent Systems, Robotics and Cybernetics unit is developing a drone that can travel by air, dive into the ocean, transform into an underwater vessel, then shed its casings and emerge on shore as a land vehicle. The folks at Sandia hope that the multi-environment vehicle—currently in the "mature concept" stage and waiting on funding for a prototype—will become a huge asset for special forces teams.

"The real value added [of the Multi-Modal Vehicle] is that it allows maximum flexibility in highly complex missions without the concern over whether or not all of the vehicles are positioned just right," engineer Jon Salton told Wired. "It should be at least be able to substantially enhance the capabilities of Special Ops."

At this point in time, the Multi-Modal Vehicle is just one of many somewhat off-the-wall future drone concepts. They range from the hopeful—like this plastic litter-eating marine drone—to the horrifying—like this nuclear-powered drone concept that also happens to come out of Sandia. And who could forget about the Roomba-like drone concept that eats up oil after a spill? Speculative drone concepts have been known to become drone reality, too. We need to look no further than the Navy's amazing X-47B concept, which took off and landed on an aircraft carrier earlier this year, to now how close the future is to right now. [Wired]

Saturday, November 9, 2013

BlackBerry’s Exit Plan

BlackBerry’s Exit Plan | Forex Minute - Financial News | Stock Market | Trading Commodities | Binary Options Updates - Forex Minute Portal FORE MINUTE Home Brokers Forex Brokers Forex Brokers Reviews Forex Signals Forex Rebates Demo Accounts Live Accounts Managed Accounts Global Regulators Contact a Broker Press Releases Binary Options Brokers Binary Options Brokers Reviews Binary Options Articles Binary Options School Binary Options Signals Pair Options Affiliate Programs News Financial News Breaking Forex News Commodities News Bitcoin News Stock Market News Economic Indicators News Tools Financial & Webmaster Tools Economic Calendar Forex News Widget Currency Converter Real Time Forex Quotes Exchange Rates Profit & Loss Calculator Pivot Point Calculator Fibonacci Calculator Blog Widget Live Forex Rates Ticker City Times Ticker RSS Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin News Bitcoin Brokers Bitcoin Exchange Platforms Bitcoin Trading Buy Bitcoins Shorting Bitcoins Bitcoin News Widget Bitcoin Affiliate Programs Opinion Fundamental Fundamental Analysis Market Overview Forex Tips Stock Tips Technical Technical Analysis Reports Technical Outlook Trading Signals Trading Tools Elliott Wave Forecast Education Education Forex Articles Books eBooks Forex Glossary Trading Courses Blog Webinars Ask The Experts Blog More More Economic Calendar Events Interest Rates Webmaster Tools Charts Forum Contribute Software Auto Trading Signals Providers Trading Software ?? FORE MINUTE Home Brokers Forex Brokers Forex Brokers Reviews Forex Signals Forex Rebates Live Accounts Managed Accounts Global Regulators Contact a Broker Press Releases Binary Options Brokers Binary Options Brokers Reviews Binary Options Articles Binary Options School Binary Options Signals Pair Options Affiliate Programs News Financial News Breaking Forex News Commodities News Bitcoin News Stock Market News Economic Indicators News Tools Financial & Webmaster Tools Economic Calendar Forex News Widget Currency Converter Real Time Forex Quotes Exchange Rates Profit & Loss Calculator Pivot Point Calculator Fibonacci Calculator Blog Widget Live Forex Rates Ticker City Times Ticker RSS Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin News Bitcoin Brokers Bitcoin Exchange Platforms Bitcoin Trading Buy Bitcoins Shorting Bitcoins Bitcoin News Widget Bitcoin Affiliate Programs Opinion Fundamental Fundamental Analysis Market Overview Forex Tips Stock Tips Technical Technical Analysis Reports Technical Outlook Trading Signals Trading Tools Elliott Wave Forecast Education Education Forex Articles Books eBooks Forex Glossary Trading Courses Blog Webinars Ask The Experts Blog More More Economic Calendar Events Interest Rates Webmaster Tools Charts Forum Contribute Software Auto Trading Signals Providers Trading Software ?? Forex Brokers

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Stock Tips BlackBerry’s Exit PlanEmail this pageBy Forexminute - Jonathan Millet | Stock Tips | Nov 7, 2013 9:00AM UTC


BlackBerry’s Exit Plan

The smartphone maker after struggling for the past couple of years, is now planning on exiting the market by abandoning its management operations and sell it off to the major stakeholders, which will result in raising around a one billion dollars from its shareholders and institute investors. The plan is directed towards reviving the fortunes for the company and is basically a milking strategy that has to be used at such a condition where market competitiveness is negligible and profitability suffers.

The Chief Executive Officer of BlackBerry, Mr. Thorsten Heins, stated this week that he would leave the company within two weeks time, provided that the private placement comes to maturity of the funding source for the company i.e. convertible debentures.

The upcoming successor of Mr. Thorsten would be the ex-CEO of Sybase, John Chen, who ran the database and software development firm efficiently which was later acquired by SAP AG in the year 2010. The share price of BlackBerry fell by around 12% on this news where investors didn’t take the sell off plan of BlackBerry as a healthy sign for their investment plans.

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LinkedIn visitors Linked

The largest social networking website for professionals witnessed a healthy boost in the number of unique visitors in the third quarter of 2013, where nearly 142.3 million unique visits were recorded. This notable improvement in traffic and user generation constitutes to around 30% gain from the last year. Out of these 142 million, around 40% of them were professionals, whereas the job postings on the networking platform soared by 24%.

Wall Street

The SP 500 index is doing well so far and is currently trading at its all time high level at 1764 where it has mild resistance set at 1766, breaking of which could allow the bulls to further roll the market and test the 1783 level. However, investors are eying on crucial data that are due today and tomorrow including the ECB statement, U.S. GDP quarterly, unemployment claims and most importantly the NFP and unemployment rate tomorrow. Risk can be taken for sellers with tight stop losses at this level, but it’s better to trade in the U.S. session.

To contact the reporter of this story: Jonathan millet at john@forexminute.com

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After Gloomy Four Days, Asian Stocks are up

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Stock Market News After Gloomy Four Days, Asian Stocks are upEmail this pageBy Forexminute - Jonathan Millet | Stock Market News | Nov 6, 2013 9:00AM UTC


After Gloomy Four Days, Asian Stocks are up

Snapping a four-day drop on the regional equities benchmark, Asian stocks are on the right track. This is all happening amidst the reports that Japanese shares are doing better today as their exports has gone up thanks to the weakening of their national currency. On the positive note even Aussie stocks are doing better as the Commonwealth Bank of Australia posted profits.

Major Indexes Gain in Better Trading Day

After losing streak in the last four trading days, the MSCI Asia Pacific Index gained 0.3 percent to 141.39 as of 12:29 p.m. in Hong Kong. Today, nine out of the 10 industry groups on the measure advanced to an extent that led to better performance of the local index which was heading southward recently.

Following the trend, Japan’s Topix index rose 0.9 percent today; thus, it has become the best-performing developed equity market in 2013. Moreover, as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is able to generate policies that are going to help the national economy is complemented well by the Bank of Japan’s monetary easing to stoke inflation.

The better performance by the MSCI Asia Pacific Index which climbed 9 percent this year through yesterday when the Japanese central bank is issuing positive vibes to investors. The outcome is also likely amidst the news that the Federal Reserve will continue its monthly bond buying into 2014 as the U.S. economy has still not recovered fully.

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Better than the expected performance on the part of Japan’s Topix and Nikkei 255 Stock Average where they both surged to an extent, the market observers are speculating that the next couple of days will be bringing bright trading for investors. More than 8000 Nikkei 225 futures contracts were traded today in a 10-minute window ending at 12:30 p.m. local time.

Regional Stocks

Following the better trading trend in Asian market, South Korea’s Kospi index added 0.1 percent. Whereas New Zealand’s NZX 50 Index advanced 0.1 percent, Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 Index fell 0.1 percent. Similarly, Singapore’s Straits Times Index slid 0.1 percent. However, Taiwan’s Taiex Index gained 0.1 percent.

On the other hand, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index added a slight growth of 0.3 percent amidst the reports that China’s Shanghai Composite Index was little changed from the yesterday’s trade. Chinese ministers are holding an important meeting that is going to discuss the national economy at large; this will also determine the state of the stocks.

To contact the reporter of this story: Jonathan Millet at john@forexminute.com

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